Monday, July 2, 2007

Great People and Great Parks (Part 1)

Hello again. It's been about two weeks since my last post and I've finally sat down to update the log. A lot has happened in the past two weeks, and I'm excited to write about some of the highlights.

Over the last 14 days, Janice and I have ridden through Montana, across Wyoming, and into Colorado. We've had fine weather, and the traveling has been smooth and good. The days have been sunny. The nights cool. And the sweet, dry smell of sagebrush became our constant companion.

Right now we are now in Dillon, Colorado staying with our friends Deb and John. We are resting and having fun, and I plan on writing about some of the things we've done in Colorado, but right now I want to go back to Wyoming.

Derrik, Rafi, Me, and Janice.

We met Derrik and Rafi just outside of Yellowstone National Park. We rode with them during the day and shared a campground with them during our first night in Yellowstone.

Derrik and Rafi are from San Francisco. Like us, they are riding across the U.S., but their route is a bit different than ours. They are riding from the coast of Oregon to Brooklyn, New York. Derrik and Rafi are bicycle mechanics (they both ride vintage Bridgestones), and we spent some time sitting around the campfire talking about bikes. We talked about bikes, and about riding, and about the places we've traveled through. Riding over the same roads we saw many of the same things, like this sandwich:
This ham and cheese sandwich was just sitting perfectly on the side of the road. We all wondered how it got there.

Derrik and Rafi were on a slightly faster schedule than us, but we still ended up traveling with them and sharing campsites with them for a few days. They became part of our tour, part of our daily adventure, and we will never forget them.

Some people love bikes. Some people love riding. And some people love to travel. Derrik and Rafi seemed to know and love all three.

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