Friday, August 14, 2009

On The Road With Chris and Kyle

After a great wedding celebration (Congratulations Matt and Sharon!) and after a couple busy days of packing and preparing, I left Maryland sitting in the passenger seat of Debbie's Honda.

The Honda drove true, and two days later we were in Denver. We visited my friends Mary and Kiya, picked up my bike, and then drove to Gunnison, Coloroado which is where we met Chris and Kyle. It was Day 60 of their tour, and Day 0 for me.

Debbie arranged the accommodations for us that night, thanks to her skills (and her ability to bellard under pressure). It was a fine night of partying thanks to Emily, Chelsea, Paul, Clam, Grayson and all the other college kids who stopped by. Even the pizza guy joined the party for a little while.

Debbie, Me, Chris, and Kyle.

And in the morning, we gathered our belongings and took to the road. We rode west, and it was a good thing to be on the road again with my brother and Kyle. They've come so far, and I feel honored to be part of their adventure.

Today is Day 62 (for them) and Day 2 (for me). We're in Montrose, at the library, and it's almost time to get riding again. I'm enjoying the hills, and the sagebrush air, and great western magic that comes from riding the road with friends and family.

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