Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our Night In Jeffrey City

Jeffrey City, in south central Wyoming, is a town that has about 50 people, according to Byron, the artist who runs Monk King Bird Pottery. Jake and I arrived in Jeffrey City and quickly went into the bar, which is where we met Byron. Our day's work was done, so we celebrated with a few two-dollar Budweisers. The bar was closing, and outside the mosquitoes were attacking with a powerful ferocity, so Byron welcomed Jake and I--as well as 4 other cyclists who had just pulled up--into his pottery studio/home. We talked, listened to music, watched a short film by David Lynch, drank some beer, and waited for night, which is when the mosquitoes disappear. Then, when the air was cool and the light was gone, we went back outside to enjoy the warmth of the campfire and the sweet sagebrush scent of the Wyoming wind.

1 comment:

Byron said...

cool site, nice pics.