Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Photo of Camp

While I'm waiting for the computer to load my photos, I guess I'll write a little something.

Today is Day 25 of the tour. For the last 25 days we've been biking and traveling and living outside. We spend so much time outside, that going inside is now like a novelty. Thankfully, I enjoy being outside. I enjoy living my days with the wind and the rain and the sun and the moon. The sun tracks through the sky and another day ends. A week goes by and we're a couple hundred miles closer to home. A couple weeks go by and spring is looking more and more like summer. The world flows by as we ride and I see what I can see. There is no windshield. We see and world and we also feel it. Sometimes the world is gentle an sometimes it hits us hard.

Ok, the photos have loaded. I will now pick one.

This is a photo of our campsite in Kooskia, Idaho. That night we forgot to check for sprinklers and we almost got soaked. If our tent was two feet closer to where the camera was when I took this photo, then we would have had a wet night. I was very thankful when I looked out of my tent at 3:00 in the morning and saw the burst of water fall short of us.

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