Saturday, January 19, 2008

Travels With Marley

I go to the dog park quite often. Marley here needs his exercise. Most of the time I use my bicycle to get us there, that way I can get some exercise too.

I feel good from the exercise I get pulling Marley, our 45-pound Siberian Husky. But I also feel good knowing that my efforts help keep the air a little cleaner.

Here we are getting ready for the 5 mile commute.

The first time I tried to put him in the trailer he objected. But I gave him a treat and calmed him down, and we made it to the dog park. Now he is happy to get in the trailer because he knows that he's going to the dog park.

Here you can see the two leash set up that I use to keep him in the cart. He can move side to side, but he can't move his legs or body out of the trailer.

Marley just sits there and smells the air. I think he enjoys it.

Riding with Marley I get tons of attention. People in cars slow down and talk to me. The ladies out walking exclaim, "Ahhh, how cute." Kids really get a kick out of it. "Mom, mom, look at that dog!" they exclaim. When I'm stopped at a stoplight I like to watch the faces of the people driving by. People love seeing us, they really do. And Marley is a cool as can be. Just sitting there, staring at the world. He loves to be outside.

This time of the year I have to suit up for the dog park ride. I usually wear two or three pairs of pants, a couple layers under my neon windbreaker, and a hat under my helmet. When I get to the dog park I put on my down jacket. But Marley leaves the house wearing nothing but his collar. He's a pretty cool dog.

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